Right of Access
It is the right to access to public information, under the terms provided for in Article 105b) of the Spanish Constitution. Understood as public information are the contents or documents, in whatever format or on whatever medium, in the possession of parties subject to Aragon Law 8/2015, of 25 March, on Transparency of Public Activity and Citizens’ Participation, and which have been produced or acquired in the exercise of their functions.
Everyone has the right to access public information without the need to give reasons for their request.
Access to information will be free of charge, in general, and said information will be provided in the form or format requested, whenever possible.
Right to access requests for public information will follow the procedure laid down in Spanish Law 19/2013, of 19 December, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, as well as in Aragon Law 8/2015, of 25 March, on Transparency of Public Activity and Citizens’ Participation .
Also applicable is the Order of 26 October 2015, of the Local Government Minister of Citizenship and Social Rights, establishing instructions for processing, following up, monitoring and recording requests for access to public information.
In the field of right of access, Aragon Law includes the following specialities:
- The applicant will receive prior notice, in the maximum period of 10 days from receipt of the request by the body competent to satisfy it, indicating the date of receipt of the request, the deadline for its resolution and effects of absence of a reply from the authorities.
- In general, once the maximum period for resolution has passed without the applicant having received a reply, it will be understood that their request has been upheld.
- The resolution of prior facultative complaints in the matter of access to public information corresponds to the Aragon Council for Transparency.
The competent bodies and units in matters of right of access to public information are as listed in the Annex to Government of Aragon Decree 215/2014, of 16 December, on the attribution of competences in the field of citizens exercising the right of access to public information in the scope of the Government of the Autonomous Region of Aragon and its public sector.