Assistance to Industry
Programme for Aid to Industry and SMEs in Aragon (PAIP, in Spanish)
The assistance the PAIP offers is focused on four specific areas:
- Regional investment aid: Investment in new assets, whether tangible or intangible, for the creation of a new establishment, expansion of an existing establishment, diversification of production at an establishment into additional new products or an essential change in the general production process of an existing establishment.
- Assistance to industrial research and experimental development:
- Industrial research projects, consisting of planned research or critical studies aimed at acquiring new know-how and skills which may be of use for developing new products, processes or services or which enable considerable improvement of existing ones; comprising the creation of components of complex systems and which may include the construction of prototypes in a laboratory environment or in an environment with simulated interfaces with existing systems, as well as pilot lines, when necessary for industrial research and, in particular, for validating generic technology.
- Experimental development projects, consisting of acquiring, combining, configuring and employing existing knowledge and techniques of a scientific, technological, business or other nature, with a view to elaborating new or improved products, processes or services. This may also include conceptual definition, planning and documentation activities for new products, processes or services, for example.
- Support to innovation: The costs associated with obtaining, validating and defending patents and other industrial property rights may be subjects for support.
- Support for technical consultancy services: Costs for contracted consultancy services of a technical nature may be a subject for aid. These services may not be permanent or regular activities, or be related to the company’s normal operating costs, such as routine tax advice services, regular legal services or advertising services.
- Regional investment aid in Industry 4.0
Energy Assistance
This call for applications for aid is aimed at SMEs’ business projects which could be considered to be industrial or related activity, or which perform economic activity of any nature, where said activity has differentiated potential for economic or social added value, stimulating these by promoting investment for production, carrying out of R&D projects, innovation/protection of industrial property and the carrying out of strategic consulting projects to improve competitiveness and growth. As regards the content and subjects of applications for aid, the call is specifically aimed at driving Industry 4.0 in Aragon, as well as promoting SMEs’ value-added initiatives, prioritising those projects that introduce innovative aspects for expanding markets, increasing productivity and competitive ability or for modernising means of production and logistical and commercial aspects. Projects which integrate with and are complemented by other instruments and measures promoted by areas of competence in industry and SMEs in the various Public Authorities are especially relevant, particularly those deriving from companies participating in the Aragon region’s Home Business Support Programme (PAED) and the Spanish state Connected Industry 4.0 initiative, as well as those which align with the principles and guidelines of industrial strategy agreed at the Industry Council of Aragon.
Support for trade
Aid from the Aragon Development Institute (IAF)
Promotion and financing unit, call for applications for aid:
- Call for applications for aid for investment projects in the province of Teruel.
- Grants for municipal infrastructure in towns in Mining Regions of Teruel.
- Call for Applications for Complementary Aid to Industrial Projects in the province of Teruel.
- Call for Applications for Aid to Business Projects in Mining Regions (MINER Plan)
- Attracting Investments
- Territorial Rebalancing Actions
- Business Incubators
- Technological Parks
- Subsidiary Companies and Foundations
- Financing Office
Entrepreneurs’ Unit
- Entrepreneur’s Advice Point (PAE)
- Training and awareness-raising in entrepreneurship
- Training and awareness-raising activities
- Enterprise in Aragon Virtual Club
- ARCE Network - Aragon Entrepreneurship Centres Network
- Social Entrepreneurship Programme
- Agri-food Entrepreneurship Programme
- Entrepreneurship in Creative and Cultural Industries Programme
- Sustainable Rural Entrepreneurship Programme
- Entrepreneur’s Channel
- Enterprise in Aragon Foundation
- Business forums, conferences and meetings: Company Forum.
- Excellence: PILOT Logistical Excellence Award, Aragon Company Gold Seal, Business Excellence Plan…
- Company Plus Plan, promoting business cooperation
- Development and Continuity Plan for Family Businesses
- Lines of aid in the Rural Development Programme for Aragon 2014-2020: :
- Subsidies for promoting Aragon agri-food products with differentiated quality (PDR)
- Subsidies in the field of increasing the added value of agricultural products (agri-food industries) (PDR)
- Subsidies in the field of cooperation for development of new products, processes and technologies (PDR)
- Subsidies for investments in the wine sector
- Subsidies for organising the supply of agri-food products and technical support to groups of producers provided by not-for-profit cooperative associations
- Subsidies in the field of improving marketing of agri-food products
- Subsidies in the field of processing and marketing of fish and fishing products
- Subsidies for promoting wine in third-country markets
- Subsidies for Promotion of Agricultural Association Structures
Aid to tourism
Tourist Promotion, Planning and Studies Service:
- Infrastructure actions in service areas or camp grounds for camper vans
- Outright grants to companies for tourist infrastructure actions
- Subsidies for performing actions in the field of accessibility and removal of architectural and sensory barriers in infrastructure related to tourist activity
Financial Aid
- Aragon Exterior: Promotion of and support to internationalisation processes for Aragon companies.
- Market studies, screening, contacts, sector promotion
- Arex Network Programme: International network of companies from Aragon or linked to Aragon.
- TeDex Programme: contracting of technical specialists in Aragon or in the destination country.
- Telephone interpreting service
- Advice on international tenders
- Support for participation in international R&D&i projects
- Specialised support to SMEs for participation in the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument call
- Website:
- Company for the Industrial Development of Aragon (SODIAR)
SODIAR es la Sociedad para el Desarrollo Industrial de Aragón. Es un instrumento del Departamento de Economía, Industria y Empleo del Gobierno de Aragón concebido para dinamizar la actividad empresarial, participando en iniciativas que aporten inversión y sean generadoras de empleo en Aragón. Entre los servicios a empresas que ofrece, se encuentran:
- Participation in equity:
- Minority: between 5% and 20%.
- Temporary: normally 5 years.
- Signing of partner agreement.
- Commitment to repurchase by the partners.
- Participative loans
- Amortisation: 5 years, with 1-year pre-amortisation period.
- Interest: fixed tranche and variable tranche (depending on results)
- Avalia
Avalia is a financial institution dedicated to granting guarantees, the aim of which is to provide SMEs and the Self-employed with access to financing under the best conditions, as well as providing them with guarantees to Government and to third parties, all complemented by provision of the corresponding financial advice.
- Financial guarantees:
- Banking:
- Non-banking: